NS3 regulates Pros localization via a Ran-independent pathway. (A-D) Localization of NLS:NES:GFP (green line) in wild type (A), Ran RNAi (B), and ns3 RNAi (C) L3 brain NBs. The NB nucleus marked by Dpn (cyan area); pixel intensity trace in right panels. Quantification (D) from 5 brains, n = number of NBs. Genotype: (A) wor-gal4 UAS-NLS:NES:GFP; UAS-mCherry-RNAi; (B) wor-gal4 UAS-NLS:NES:GFP; UAS-Ran-RNAi; (C) wor-gal4 UAS-NLS:NES:GFP; UAS-ns3-RNAi. Scale bars: 10 μm (E) Confocal images of a Ran RNAi L2 central brain NB lineage; NB and its lineage are marked with GFP (wor-gal4, UAS-mCD8:GFP), and NB is identified by Dpn. NB is EdU-negative. Genotype: (E) UAS-Dcr-2; wor-gal4; UAS-mCD8:GFP/UAS-Ran-RNAi. Scale bars: 10 μm.