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. 2018 Dec 2;8(11):bmjopen-2017-020527. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020527

Table 2.

Results of the Cox proportional hazard analysis of nosocomial infection

Variables HR 95% CI P values
LOS 1.002 0.996 to 1.007 0.547
TBSA 1.189 1.005 to 1.407 0.043
Full thickness burn 1.799 1.289 to 2.511 0.000
Inhalation injury 3.326 2.169 to 5.102 0.000
Diabetes 1.586 0.856 to 2.939 0.143

Values of P<0.05 are given in bold.

LOS, length of stay; TBSA, total body surface area.