Novel splice variants and transcripts of the PERV-Szeged clones. One percent agarose gel electrophoresis of the novel splice variants and new transcripts of the PERV-Szeged clones. Lanes missing an apostrophe were loaded with cDNA products from RT-PCR while lanes with the same letter and an apostrophe were loaded with PCR products of genomic DNA. Lane M was loaded with GeneRuler 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder (Thermo Fisher Scientific). Staining was performed with GelRed (Biotium). Lane no-RT was loaded with no-RT control. On lanes A, A’, C, C’ and D, D’, bands marked with a star represent new transcripts of the PERV-Szeged clones with an amplicon length of 90, 219 and 216 bp, respectively. On lane B, B’ bands marked with a star represent the already known env transcript. On lane E, E’, bands marked represent three new splice variants with an amplicon length of 274, 304 and 427 bp. The size of each band of the 1 kb Plus DNA Ladder is presented to the right of its lane. Green arrows represent the location of the PCR primers.