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. 2018 Dec 4;13(12):e0208547. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208547

Table 1. Baseline patient characteristics and overall survival in different groups.

Colorectal cancer Right-sided colorectal cancer Left-sided colorectal cancer
Factors Patient number median survial 95% CI P-valuea Patient number Median survival 95% CI P-valuea Patient number Median survival 95% CI P-valuea
Gender Male 542 22.97 20.86–25.07 0.710 141 19.19 15.99–22.39 0.562 401 24.28 21.18–27.38 0.834
Female 265 23.72 20.67–26.77 95 21.22 18.53–23.92 170 25.76 21.67–29.85
Age < 65 617 24.00 21.53–26.47 0.036 179 20.7 18.47–22.93 0.226 438 26.48 23.77–29.19 0.083
≥ 65 190 20.60 17.76–23.44 57 17.74 13.73–21.75 133 22.24 19.27–25.22
Lung metastasis Only lung 73 32.85 26.77–38.94 0.001 17 40.97 19.02–62.92 0.037 56 32.62 25.35–39.90 0.015
Non-pulmonary 734 22.24 20.67–23.81 219 19.19 16.65–21.72 515 23.75 21.41–26.10
Liver metastasis Only liver 319 20.53 18.93–22.13 0.115 86 17.74 14.57–20.92 0.150 338 22.24 19.75–24.74 0.068
Non-hepatic 488 25.59 23.11–28.08 150 21.19 17.40–24.98 233 27.66 24.55–30.77
Sidedness Right 236 20.07 17.91–22.24 0.003
Left 571 24.61 22.23–26.99
Pathological grade Grade 1 34 30.55 3.53–57.58 0.058 9 30.55 1.20–59.91 0.132 25 20.07 1.81–38.34 0.238
Grade 2 525 24.54 22.13–26.95 0.037b 126 25.27 22.74–27.79 0.045b 399 21.29 17.96–24.62 0.345b
Grade 3 248 19.52 17.41–21.62 101 21.52 17.81–25.33 147 17.74 14.63–20.86
Treatment Chemotherapy 537 22.51 20.61–24.47 0.154 154 20.44 17.95–22.92 0.952 383 23.46 20.76–26.16 0.073
Cetuximab 108 27.53 22.39–32.68 0.055c 31 21.72 18.36–25.08 0.913c 77 29.08 23.39–34.77 0.022c
Bevacizumab 162 23.72 18.74–28.70 51 17.02 14.41–19.63 111 28.12 22.67–33.57
NLR ≤ 3 508 28.09 25.51–30.67 <0.001 144 22.83 18.90–26.77 <0.001 364 29.5 26.71–32.30 <0.001
> 3 299 18.23 15.93–20.54 92 13.41 11.43–15.38 207 19.65 17.35–21.97
PLR ≤ 169 438 26.65 23.88–29.41 <0.001 107 22.97 19.95–25.98 0.007 331 28.52 25.61–31.43 <0.001
> 169 369 19.25 17.52–20.99 129 16.56 13.93–19.18 240 20.53 17.86–23.21
CEA ≤ 5 ng/mL 227 28.95 24.01–33.88 <0.001 66 25.59 17.63–33.56 0.003 161 30.16 24.96–35.36 0.001
> 5 ng/mL 580 21.22 19.60–22.85 170 19.19 16.47–21.90 410 22.5 20.16–24.84
CA19-9 ≤ 37 U/mL 408 29.31 26.08–32.53 <0.001 110 27.43 21.20–33.66 <0.001 298 31.24 27.57–34.92 <0.001
> 37 U/mL 399 19.29 17.68–20.89 126 15.67 12.38–18.96 273 20.53 18.57–22.50
LDH ≤ 250 U/L 573 28.91 26.32–31.50 <0.001 174 21.72 18.09–25.35 <0.001 399 30.55 27.83–33.28 <0.001
> 250 U/L 234 14.98 13.38–16.59 62 12.58 9.91–15.25 172 15.93 14.23–17.63
CRP ≤ 3 mg/L 319 29.01 26.10–31.92 <0.001 84 27.43 23.69–31.18 <0.001 235 30.16 26.33–34.00 <0.001
> 3 mg/L 488 19.55 18.00–21.10 152 15.93 12.38–19.49 336 21.22 19.07–23.38

a P-values were calculated using the Kaplan–Meier method with log-rank test.

b P-value between grade 1–2 differentiation and grade 3 differentiation regarding OS.

c P-value between target therapy (bevacizumab and cetuximab) plus chemotherapy and chemotherapy regarding OS.

NLR, the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio; PLR, the platelet-lymphocyte ratio; CEA, carcinoembryonic antigen; CA 19–9, carbohydrate antigen 19–9; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; CRP, C-reactive protein; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval.