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. 2017 Apr 15;18(10):1864–1872. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnw306
Part A. During the past two weeks, how much has your pelvic or genital pain made it uncomfortable or interfered with your ability to:
1. Participate in physical activity or exercise? ○ Not at all ○ A little bit ○ Moderately ○ Quite a bit ○ Extremely
2. Wear the clothing or underwear you want? ○ Not at all ○ A little bit ○ Moderately ○ Quite a bit ○ Extremely
3. Use the toilet or wipe yourself after using the toilet? ○ Not at all ○ A little bit ○ Moderately ○ Quite a bit ○ Extremely
4. Sit for more than an hour? ○ Not at all ○ A little bit ○ Moderately ○ Quite a bit ○ Extremely