Figure 5.
Correlations analysis of 37 TME parameters with 26 genetic variables in 21 cancer types. (A) Volcano plot showing 551 significant (above dashed line, FDR< 5%) correlations out of a total number of 5346 analyses. (B) Correlation of immunological variables with mutational signatures associated with failure of DNA repair (MutSigs 6, 15, 20, 26: defective mismatch repair; MutSig 3: defective double strand repair by HR; MutSig 10: POLE mutations): 8% of the correlations were significantly positive, 2% were significantly negative (white crosses, FDR< 5%). (C) Correlation of immunological variables with mutational signatures associated with activity of the AID/APOBEC family of cytidine deaminases: 7% of the correlations were significantly positive, 2% were significantly negative (white crosses, FDR< 5%). The abundance of cell populations was estimated by MCP-counter1 and CIBERSORT2.