(A) ‘LogR’ plot for all 22 autosomes and the sex chromosomes demonstrates balanced copy number for most chromosomes. The pink star indicates a duplication (upward shift of LogR) affecting the chromosome 2p terminus, which is expanded in (i). The blue star indicates a deletion affecting the 15q terminus, which is expanded in (ii). The green star indicates apparent loss affecting the X chromosome but this reflects the presence of only one X chromosome in a male. (B) The B allele frequency plot confirms the 2p duplication (i) and 15q deletion (ii); each spot represents the result for a single SNP – there are 843551 SNPs represented in this array. (C,D) The sample in this case came from the child of a balanced reciprocal translocation carrier. The chromosomes 2 and 15 of the parent are depicted in (C), with arrows indicating the breakpoints. The array result indicates that the child received an unbalanced arrangement from this parent: a normal chromosome 2 together with the translocation 15 (D). Note that the array result (A,B) also demonstrates a duplication of chromosome 15 material (yellow arrow) associated with the translocation breakpoint. This would have been below the resolution of a standard karyotype, but is clear from the array result. Small gains and losses can be seen in other chromosomes on close inspection; these may represent CNVs. Array images courtesy of West of Scotland Genetics Service using Illumina CytoSNP 850K Beadchip; chromosome images generated using CyDAS (www.cydas.org).