Figure 3.
2D 19F-19F correlation spectra (19.96 T) of (a) 5-19F-Trp CA tubes and (b) 5-19F-Trp A14C/E45C/W184A/M185A CA cross-linked hexamer tubes. MAS frequencies and mixing times in the 19F-19F RFDR spectra are listed. The first contour level was set to 5 x noise rmsd. No 1H decoupling was applied. (c) Experimental 19F-19F RFDR buildup of the W80-W133 and W133-W80 cross-peak volumes in the 5-19F-Trp A14C/E45C/W184A/M185A CA cross-linked hexamer tubes (MAS frequency; 40 kHz). (d) Simulated 19F-19F RFDR cross-peak buildup curves for 19F-19F distances of 5–20 Å (simulation parameters are provided in the Supporting Information). The inset is an expansion for up to 200 ms.