Figure 1.
Final multiple group path model predicting Time 2 health-risk behavior outcomes from Time 1 digital status seeking, controlling for Time 1 peer status. For paths moderated by gender, coefficients for boys are presented in bold. Note that all models also controlled for race. Correlations between error terms for Time 2 variables not shown. Standard errors for effects of Time 1 digital status seeking on Time 2 substance use and number of sexual partners were .06 and .12, respectively. Of the 716 participants at Time 1, 49 reported that they did not use social media and 6 did not answer any survey questions related to social media. These participants were retained in analyses, with participants who do not use any social media considered to represent the lowest levels of the construct of digital status seeking. Analyses were also re-conducted with these participants excluded, and patterns of significant and non-significant results remained the same. *p <.05; **p <.001