Fig. 2.
Wound epidermis gene expression dynamics during regeneration. a Violin plots depicting log2 values of normalized expression of krt12, otog, and frem2 at homeostasis. b–d Representative RNA in situ hybridizations in limbs at homeostasis probing for krt12 (b) (n = 5 animals), otog (c) (n = 3 animals), and frem2 (d) (n = 3 animals). e Violin plots depicting log2 values of normalized expression of krt12, otog, and frem2 in the medium-bud blastema. f–h Representative RNA in situ hybridizations in medium-bud blastemas probing for krt12 (f) (n = 5 animals), otog (g) (n = 3 animals), and frem2 (h) (n = 5 animals). In violin plots (a, e), each dot represents an individual cell; epidermal populations of interest are depicted in color, all others are in gray. Yellow line in f, g denotes boundary between the wound epidermis and blastema. Epi epidermis, WE wound epidermis, FLB fibroblast-like blastema cell. Magnification, ×10, scale bars are 100 μm