Fig. 3.
SB suppresses mutant KRas-dependent tumors and pancreatic cancer patient xenografts. MiaPaCa2 and A549 cells were implanted on the right and left flank, respectively, and mice were treated daily with vehicle (V) or SB (50 mg/kg). a Representative mice treated with either V or SB. b, c Effects of SB on the average tumor growth of all mice (V; 5 mice and SB; 6 mice). Experiment was repeated three times. d, e Average tumor volume of MiaPaCa2 and A549 tumors transfected with NT siRNA, KRas siRNA, or GSK3α/β siRNA (NT; 3 mice, KRas sRNA; 3 mice, and GSK3 siRNA; 3 mice). Experiment done once. For b and c, day 0 corresponds to day 14 after tumor implantation when the average tumor volumes were 150–200 mm3; for d and e, day 0 corresponds to the day when the tumors were implanted. Insets: western blots confirming depletion of KRas and GSK3. f–h Effects of vehicle and SB on the growth of patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) of chemotherapy/radiation-resistant primary (f), chemo-naive primary (g), and chemo/radiation-resistant metastatic (h) tumors from pancreatic cancer patients. For f and h, V; 10 mice and SB; 10 mice. For g, V; 10 mice and SB; 9 mice) (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001). P values determined by Student’s t-test