Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) |
Good risk–benefit profile, can be performed even in patients with very high BMI (two-step approach) |
Inferior to RYGB with respect to long-term weight control, reflux control, and diabetes remission |
Proximal Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) |
Good control of reflux disease, superior to SG in its metabolic effect |
Same mortality as SG with higher morbidity
Risk of dumping syndrome, ulcers, and internal hernias
Risk of malabsorption |
Omega-loop gastric bypass (MGB) |
Lower perioperative morbidity than RYGB, because there is only a single anastomosis |
Elevated risk of malabsorption with long biliopancreatic loop
Risk of dumping syndrome and internal hernias
Unclear effects of potential reflux of bile into the gastric pouch |