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. 2018 Oct 19;115(42):705–711. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2018.0705

Table 2. Evidence profile of surgical procedures (long-term results) (5).

Procedure Percentage loss of excess weight [95% CI]*1
≤ 2 years Reference >2 to <5 years Reference ≥ 5 years Reference
Gastric banding 28.7–48
52.3 [48.7; 55.9]
43.9 [ 40.3; 47.5]
43.5 [38.5; 48.5]
49.0 [ 44.0; 54.0]
34.7 [23.5; 49.9]
57.2 [47.2; 67.2]
Sleeve gastrectomy 49–81
46.7 [42.9; 50.6]
36.3 [33.1; 39.5] (19) 49.5 [39.3; 59.7] (19)
Gastric bypass*2 62.1–94.4
80.1 [65.7; 94.4]
58.0 [54.3; 61.8]
49.4 [10.8; 88.0]
63.3 [58.4; 68.1]
61.3 [55.2; 67.4]
64.9 [44.3; 85.6]
Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch 56.0 [47.9; 64.2] (21) 73.7 [69.0; 78.4] (21) 49.3 [38.7; 59.9] (19)
Procedure Diabetes remission rate*3 in % [95% CI]
≤ 2 years Reference >2 to <5 years Reference ≥ 5 years Reference
Gastric banding 62 [46; 79]
68 [50; 83]
82.3 [7 1.4; 93.1]
62.5 [42.2; 79.2]
78.7 [53.8; 100.0]
24.8 [10.9; 47.2] (19)
Sleeve gastrectomy 53.3
60 [51; 70]
86 [73; 94]
64.7 [42.2; 82.1] (19) 58.2 [30.8; 81.3] (19)
Gastric bypass*2 83
77 [ 72; 82]
93 [85; 97]
84.0 [72.9; 95.0]
71.6 [59.9; 81.0]
85.3 [ 70.9; 99.7]
75.0 [63.1; 84.0] (19)
Biliopancreatic diversion 89 [83; 94] (24)
Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch 100.0 [93.2; 100.0] (21) 98.9 [96.6; 100.0] (21) 99.2 [97.0; 99.8] (19)

*1 No data are available for percentage loss of excess weight after biliopancreatic diversion.

*2 proximaler Roux-en-Y-gastric bypass (RYGB), mini-bypass, and bypass procedures that were not further specified.

*3 High heterogeneity in definitions of diabetes remission between primary studies and systematic reviews.

Fields are left empty if no high-quality evidence on the level of a systematic review or a meta-analysis is available.

All evidence summarized here is from systematic reviews and meta-analyses with SIGN evidence level 2+/++. The evidence tables corresponding to the systematic reviews and meta-analyses cited here are presented in the guideline report. CI, confidence interval