Fig. 2.
Consolidated FDR (a) and community FDR (b) generated from five E. coli K-12 strains. The consolidated FDR (a) consists of the union of metabolic reactions for the query organisms. The displayed network consists of 1596 reactions (light green) and 1621 metabolites (dark green), and is based on the five E. coli K-12 strains with KEGG organism IDs eco, ecj, ecd, ebw, and ecok. The vast majority of metabolic reactions can be seen to reside in the giant component. The community metabolic network (b) generated by AutoKEGGRec keeps the query organisms in separate compartments. The network consists of 8002 metabolites (dark green) and 7855 reactions (light green), with the vast majority of reactions associated with the five largest connected components. Note, that the different organisms are not connected due to the fact, that this consolidated FDR does not contain transport reactions, which would connect the different organisms/compartments