Fig. 4.
Clustering, heatmap and principal component analysis (PCA) of EXPN expression in sunflower ovaries and grains (pericarp and embryo). a. Clustering based on EXPN expression patterns. b. Heatmap showing EXPN expression patterns. Expansin expression levels were compared by Z score using the Clustvis bioinformatics tool. Columns names indicate the days from anthesis (DFA) in which the expression was measured (e = embryo). Rows name on the left show the EXPN genes evaluated and row names on the right indicate the experiment where EXPN expression was evaluated, including genotype, treatment, and growing season (A = Alybro; RH = RHA280; E1 = experiment 1; C = control; S = shade). c. PCA with all EXPN expression data grouped into two main groups according to tissue expression (blue and red circle in PCA). d. Relative expression of EXPN7 to β-tubulin. e. Relative expression of EXPN10. f. Relative expression of EXPN4