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. 2018 Nov 28;136(6):821–853. doi: 10.1007/s00401-018-1932-x

Table 1.

Summary of selected candidate AD fluid biomarkers

Biomarker Stage of clinical validation Levels in AD vs healthy controls Stage of assay development
CSF Plasma/serum
Aβ42 CSF Aβ42 is accepted as part of research criteria [75, 247]
 IWG-2 criteria recommend using CSF Aβ42 in combination with CSF t-tau or p-tau [75]
Many studies on plasma but inconsistent results [160, 227, 271, 273, 274, 377]
Consistently decreased in CSF
Inconsistent results in plasma, although recent studies have shown a decrease
Commercially available assays, including fully automated (IVDs in Europe) Commercially available assays
Aβ40 Many studies on CSF and plasma
 Inconsistent results for Aβ40 alone [73, 83, 160, 243, 248, 271, 338]
 Consistent results for ratio of CSF Aβ42/Aβ40 [161, 202, 205, 275, 276, 294]
 Consistent results for ratio of plasma Aβ42/Aβ40 [31, 87, 179, 261, 273, 371, 373, 377, 383]
Aβ40 alone: inconsistent results in CSF and plasma
Ratio of Aβ42/Aβ40: consistently decreased in CSF and plasma
Commercially available assays (IVDs in Europe) Commercially available assays
Aβ38 Several studies on CSF Aβ38 alone
 Inconsistent results for Aβ38 alone [161, 243, 271]
Very few studies on CSF Aβ42/Aβ38 [161, 259]
One study on plasma Aβ38 [273]
Aβ38 alone: inconsistent results in CSF and plasma
Ratio of Aβ42/Aβ38: decreased in CSF but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
BACE1 Several studies on CSF
 Inconsistent results [79, 81, 258, 283, 311, 392, 401, 407]
Very few studies on plasma [330, 393]
Inconsistent results in CSF but most studies showed increased levels/activity
Increased activity in plasma but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
T-tau CSF t-tau is accepted as part of research criteria [75, 247]
 IWG-2 criteria recommend using CSF t-tau in combination with CSF Aβ42 [75]
Several studies on plasma
 Consistent results [61, 68, 245, 251, 271, 404]
Consistently increased in CSF
Consistently increased in plasma
Commercially available assays, including fully automated (IVDs in Europe) Commercially available assays
P-tau CSF p-tau is accepted as part of research criteria [75, 247]
 IWG-2 criteria recommend using CSF p-tau in combination with CSF Aβ42 [75]
Few studies on plasma or serum
 Consistent results [329, 358, 395]
Consistently increased in CSF
Increased in plasma and serum but data are limited
Commercially available assays, including fully automated (IVDs in Europe) In-house assays
hFABP Several studies on CSF
 Consistent results [53, 67, 119, 146, 154, 201, 271]
Very few studies on plasma or serum [254, 271]
Consistently increased in CSF
No change in plasma or serum but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
TREM2 Few studies on CSF
 Inconsistent results [38, 107, 139, 141, 287, 344, 346]
Few studies on blood [145, 255, 352]
Inconsistent results in CSF but most studies showed an increase
No change in plasma levels but data are limited; increased mRNA and protein levels in blood cells but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
YKL-40 Several studies on CSF
 Inconsistent results [24, 11, 23, 57, 106, 138, 176, 244, 271, 303, 347, 384]
Very few studies on plasma [54, 57]
Inconsistent results in CSF but most studies showed an increase
Increased in plasma but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
IP-10 Few studies on CSF
 Inconsistent results [29, 101, 384]
Very few studies on plasma or serum [102, 154]
Inconsistent results in CSF
Inconsistent results in plasma or serum
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
Neurogranin Many studies on CSF
 Inconsistent results [63, 64, 138, 175, 189, 190, 221, 242, 282, 291, 310, 347, 354, 361]
Few studies on plasma [63, 110, 190, 389]
Inconsistent results in CSF but most studies showed an increase
No change in plasma but studies are limited; decreased in plasma neuronally derived exosomes but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
SNAP-25 Two studies on CSF [36, 347]
No studies on plasma
Increased in CSF but data are limited
Unknown for plasma
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
Synaptotagmin One study on CSF [270]
One study on plasma [110]
Increased in CSF but data are limited
Decreased in plasma neuronally derived exosomes but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
α-Synuclein Few studies on CSF
 Inconsistent results [27, 170, 172, 183, 232, 339, 366]
Very few studies on plasma [49, 331]
Inconsistent results in CSF but most studies showed an increase
No change in plasma but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
TDP-43 No studies on CSF
Very few studies on plasma [97, 387]
Unknown for CSF
Increased in plasma but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
Ferritin Very few studies on CSF [1315]
Very few studies on plasma [15, 112]
No change in CSF but data are limited; increased CSF levels are associated with cognitive decline but data are limited
No change in plasma but data are limited; plasma levels are associated with PET Aβ but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
VILIP-1 Several studies on CSF
 Inconsistent results [17, 176, 194, 230, 257, 271, 347, 355357]
One study on plasma [355]
Inconsistent results in CSF but most studies showed an increase
Increased in plasma but data are limited
Commercially available assays Commercially available assays
NF-L Several studies on CSF
 Consistent results [4, 220, 271, 282, 288, 334, 335, 403]
Few studies on plasma or serum [240, 385, 408]
Consistently increased in CSF
Increased in plasma but data are limited
Commercially available assays (IVDs in Europe) Commercially available assays

Aβ38 amyloid beta 38, Aβ40 amyloid beta 40, Aβ42 amyloid beta 42, AD Alzheimer’s disease, BACE1 β-site amyloid precursor protein cleaving enzyme 1, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, hFABP heart-type fatty acid-binding protein, IP-10 interferon-γ-induced protein 10, IVD in vitro diagnostic, IWG-2 International Working Group 2, NF-L neurofilament light, P-tau phosphorylated tau, SNAP-25 synaptosome-associated protein 25, TDP-43 transactive response DNA-binding protein 43, TREM2 triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2, T-tau total tau, VILIP-1 visinin-like protein 1