Table 3.
List of network hubs.
Abbreviation | AAL region | Functional classification | Anatomical classification |
Hubs in HC group | |||
ACG.R | Right anterior cingulate and paracingulate gyri | Paralimbic | Prefontal |
ANG.R | Right angular gyrus | Association | Parietal |
INS.L | Left insula | Paralimbic | Subcortical |
IPL.R | Right inferior parietal, but supramarginal and angular gyri | Association | Parietal |
MFG.L | Left middle frontal gyrus | Association | Prefontal |
ORBinf.L | Left inferior frontal gyrus, orbital part | Paralimbic | Prefontal |
ORBinf.R | Right inferior frontal gyrus, orbital part | Paralimbic | Prefontal |
ORBsup.R | Right superior frontal gyrus, orbital part | Paralimbic | Prefontal |
ORBsupmed.L | Left superior frontal gyrus, medial orbital | Paralimbic | Prefontal |
PreCG.L | Left precental gyrus | Primary | Frontal |
REC.L | Left gyrus rectus | Paralimbic | Prefontal |
ROL.L | Left rolandic operculum | Association | Frontal |
SFGdor.L | Left superior frontal gyrus, dorsolateral | Association | Prefontal |
SFGdor.R | Right superior frontal gyrus, dorsolateral | Association | Prefontal |
SFGmed.L | Left superior frontal gyrus, medial | Association | Prefontal |
SFGmed.R | Right superior frontal gyrus, medial | Association | Prefontal |
TPOsup.L | Left temporal pole: superior temporal gyrus | Paralimbic | Temporal |
Hubs in MHE group | |||
CAL.L | Left calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex | Primary | Occipital |
DCG.L | Left median cingulate and paracingulate gyri | Paralimbic | Frontal |
DCG.R | Right median cingulate and paracingulate gyri | Paralimbic | Frontal |
HES.R | Right heschl gyrus | Primary | Temporal |
HIP.R | Right hippocampus | Limbic | Temporal |
IFGtriang.L | Left inferior frontal gyrus, triangular part | Association | Prefontal |
IFGtriang.R | Right inferior frontal gyrus, triangular part | Association | Prefontal |
ITG.R | Right inferior temporal gyrus | Association | Temporal |
LING.R | Right lingual gyrus | Association | Occipital |
MFG.R | Right middle frontal gyrus | Association | Prefontal |
MOG.L | Left middle occipital gyrus | Association | Occipital |
ORBsup.L | Left superior frontal gyrus, orbital part | Paralimbic | Prefontal |
ORBsupmed.L | Left superior frontal gyrus, medial orbital | Paralimbic | Prefontal |
ORBsupmed.R | Right superior frontal gyrus, medial orbital | Paralimbic | Prefontal |
SFGmed.R | Right superior frontal gyrus, medial | Association | Prefontal |