Principle component analyses of Mexican wolves (Canis lupus baileyi)
and other canids (Canis lupus ssp). The first 2 principle components
(PC) are shown (A, B) within Mexican wolves and
(C, D) among Mexican wolves (MW), domestic dogs
(Canis lupus familiaris), North American gray wolves (NAGW), and
European gray wolves (EUGW). The proportion of variation explained by each component is
shown for (B) Mexican wolves and (D) all canids. Individual
Mexican wolves are shown as a pie chart with slices proportional to each wolf’s
predicted ancestry in the 3 captive lineages according to the official studbook (Siminski 2011). The solid and dashed arrows in
(A) depict Mexican wolves (studbook #547 and #858, respectively) whose
predicted ancestries don’t coincide with the clustering in the plot. MB = McBride, AG =
Aragón, GR = Ghost Ranch. See online version for full colors.