Figure 3. Classification of yeast 80s ribosome (EMPIAR-10045) with 3D-CTF compensated missing-wedge and multi-scale PCA.
(a-e) Four major classes and a minor class contributing 96.9% of sub-tomograms are shown with number and percentage of contributing units and resolution indicated below. The highly dynamic L1 protuberance and RNA expansion-segment 27 are shown in green and orange, respectively. Scale bar, 100 Å. (f-h) Enlarged views, with the small-subunit removed for clarity, of the L1 protuberance (green) in an intermediate position (f, class a), fully closed (g, class b), and fully open (h, classes c-e) respectively. The riboprotein and selected RNA helix components of the L1 protuberance (rpL1,h76,h79 from PDB 3J78) shown in magenta ribbon after rigid body docking into the respective density. (i) A cartoon illustrates the region displayed in (f-h) from the inter-subunit space with the E,P,A sites labelled and L1 (green) E-site tRNA (orange) and mRNA channel (purple ribbon.)