Fig. 7. The comparison of PAM images between the normal retinal vessels and VEGF-induced RNV.
a Normal retinal vessels in albino rabbit; b RNV induced by VEGF in albino rabbit; c composite pseudo color image of albino rabbit showing the retinal vessels in the same area before and after VEGF injection; d normal retinal vessels in pigmented rabbit; e RNV induced by VEGF injection in a pigmented rabbit; f composite pseudo color image of pigmented rabbit showing the retinal vessels in the same area before and after VEGF injection; g quantification of retinal vessels and RNV in albino and pigmented rabbits before and after VEGF injection using fill factor—statistical significance of the fill factor between a normal blood vessel and RNV (albino: n = 5; pigmented: n = 3; P < 0.05); h quantification of retinal vessels and RNV in albino rabbits before and after VEGF injection using the vessel size—statistical significance of the vessel size between a normal blood vessel and RNV (P < 0.05); i quantification of retinal vessels and RNV in pigmented rabbits before and after VEGF injection using the vessel size—statistical significance of the vessel size between a normal blood vessel and RNV (P < 0.05). (Pseudo color indicates the normal retinal vessels; grayscale shows the retinal vessels after injection with VEGF)