Fig. 4. Susceptibility of hSCARB2 KI mice to CDV-Isehara infection.
The 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6-week-old hSCARB2 Tg mice were infected intracerebral (I.C.) with CDV-Isehara strain at a dose of 4.8 × 106 pfu and monitored daily after infection. a The CNS-like hindlimb paralysis, ruffled fur, and shrinking. b The clinical symptoms (asymptomatic, mild, severe, and dead), followed by the criteria described in the materials and methods section (c) asymptomatic (%) and (d) survival (%). Significant difference of asymptomatic (%) and survival (%) with different weeks old Tg mice infected with CDV-Isehara was shown as ****p,0.0001. pfu plaque forming unit, CNS central nervous system, I.C. intracerebral