Ages: 21–69 years old |
History of seizures |
Met ICSD-II criteria for insomnia (AASM, 2005) |
High levels of caffeine, nicotine, and/or alcohol use |
Met quantitative sleep criteria for insomnia (Lichstein et al., 2003) |
Use of other drugs with sleep-active properties |
Report of mood, cognitive, or socio-occupational impairment |
Apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) > 10/hour |
Prescribed hypnotic use ≥ 4 nights/week for ≥ 6-months |
Myoclonus arousals > 10/hour |
Desire to quit hypnotic use with an inability to do so |
Unstable medical/psychiatric status |
Shiftwork |