Recommendation 1a |
IF |
Reason for visit = Asthma (ICD-9 493; ICD-10: J45 ) that began within the last two years |
OR |
Patient had one or more emergency department or acute clinic/hospital visits for asthma over the past two years |
Ask: |
1) Do/did your asthma symptoms start at your current/recent workplace? |
2) Do/did your asthma symptoms worsen at work? |
3) Are asthma symptoms different (e.g. better) on days off work and/or holidays? |
Recommendation 1b |
IF |
Patient responds positively to any of the 3 screening questions |
Clarify the diagnosis of asthma with acceptable and repeatable spirometry testing that meets ATS guidelines for quality |
Recommendation 1c |
IF |
Patient responds “yes” to any of the 3 screening questions |
Patient has asthma |
Provide WRA tools to the clinician and patient |
AND: |
Document the discussion regarding the patient’s work and respiratory symptoms in EHR |