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. 2018 Dec 6;18:481. doi: 10.1186/s12884-018-2090-9

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics according to caseload midwifery and standard care

Total n = 13,115 Caseload Midwifery n = 2679 Standard Care n = 10,436
% % n % n
Singleton births (n = 13,115) 100 2679 100 10,436
Births per year
 2013 32.1 36.5 978 31.0 3230
 2014 33.2 33,4 896 33.1 3456
 2015 34.7 30.0 805 35.9 3750
Births per maternity unit:
 Maternity unit A 71.8 45.4 1217 76.3 7958
 Maternity unit B 28.2 54.6 1462 23.7 2478
 Years school = <  9 years a 25.4 30.7 263 24.2 958
 Professional education = < 3 years a 34.4 40.7 349 33.0 1307
 Married 42.5 45.5 1219 41.7 4350
 Living alone 5.8 5.8 155 5.8 604
 Need of interpreter 2.9 5.0 135 2.4 247
Smoking in pregnancy
 no 89.5 88.0 2357 89.9 9386
 yes 9.0 10.3 276 8.7 905
 ceased during pregnancy 1.5 1.7 46 1.4 145
 Complicated pregnancyb 22.7 23.1 618 22.7 2365
 Pre-pregnancy risks 26.7 26.7 714 26.8 2793
 Parity 0 46.8 41.2 1104 48.2 5027
 Parity 1 36.5 36.3 973 36.6 3814
 Parity 2 12.2 15.7 420 11.3 1175
 Parity 3 3.2 4.7 125 2.9 300
 Parity > = 4 1.3 2.1 57 1.1 116
Total mean Mean SD n Mean SD n
 Visits General Practitioner 2.7 2.7 0.9 2610 2.7 0.8 10,107
 Visits Midwife 5.0 5.1 1.6 2610 5.0 1.6 10,111
 Visits Obstetrician 3.7 3.7 2.3 2608 3.8 2.3 10,110
 Mothers age (years) 30.0 29.8 5.0 2679 30.0 5.0 10,436
 Mothers height (cm) 167 167 6.6 2678 167 6.6 10,433
 Mother weight at hosp.(kg) 84.2 85.9 17 1223 83.8 15.8 6300
 Prepregnancy BMI 24.9 25.7 5.5 2678 24.7 5.2 10,430
 Gestational age(days) 278 278 13.4 2679 278 14.6 10,432
 Infant length (cm) 51.6 51.7 2.9 2654 51.6 3.0 10,393
 Infant weight (g) 3500 3521 580 2673 3495 592 10,427

aData only available from 1 November 2014 to 31 January 2015 (n = 4815)

bcomplicated pregnancy included: malformations; alcohol or drug abuse; IVF; primiparous< 20; preeclampsia; hypertension; diabetes; premature contractions < 37 weeks of gestation; vaginal bleeding < 37 weeks of gestation; placental abnormalities; uterine abnormalities, and blood type incompatibilities (Rh, ABO, platelets, hydrops foetalis, and other kinds of blood type incompatibilities)