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. 2018 Jul 9;9(4):296–306. doi: 10.1080/21501203.2018.1494060

Table 4.

13C NMR spectroscopic characteristics of melanin.

Source and type of melanin Chemical shift range (ppm) Possible assignments References
Oidiodendron tenuissimum, Trichoderma harzianum, Ulocladium atrum, Hendersonula toruloidea, Eurotium echinulatum 220–160 Carboxyl/carbonyl groups Knicker et al. (1995)
160–140 Aromatic COR or CNR groups
140–110 Aromatic C–H carbons, guaiacyl C-2/C-6 Olefinic carbons
110–90 Anomeric carbon of carbohydrates, C-2/C-6 of Syringyl
90–60 Carbohydrate- derived structures (C-2 to C-5) in hexoses, C-2 of some amino acids & higher alcohols
60–45 Methoxyl groups, C-6 of carbohydrates, C-2 of most amino acids
45–0 Methylene groups in aliphatic rings & chains, methyl groups bound to carbon
Dopa melanin 172 Carbonyl carbon Duff et al. (1988)
143, 118 Aromatic carbons
55, 35 Aliphatic carbons
Melanoma melanin 173 Carbonyl carbon
125 Aromatic carbons
53,33 Aliphatic carbons
Sepia melanin 173 Carbonyl carbon
140–110 Aromatic carbons
70–30 Aliphatic carbons
Sepia melanin 200–160 Carbonyl carbon Adhyaru et al. (2003)
160–135 Aromatic & Indolic Cq (non-protonated)
135–90 Aromatic & Indolic CH (protonated)
95–10 Aliphatic carbons
Sepia melanin Free acid (MFA) 200–160 Carbonyl carbon
165–135 Aromatic & Indolic Cq (non-protonated)
135–100 Aromatic & Indolic CH (protonated)
95–10, 50–0 Aliphatic carbons
Sepia melanin 200–187, 167, 164 Carbonyl carbon Hervé et al. (1994)
147–110 Aromatic & ethylenic Cq (non-protonated)
131–127, 119–95 Aromatic & ethylenic CH (protonated)
75–15 Aliphatic carbons
T. albuminosus melanin 200–170 Carbonyl carbon Present study
160–110 Aromatic carbons
45–40 =C–S
71, 56, 52, 33, 30 Aliphatic carbons in cysteine/DOPA