Fig. 1.
(A) δ 13 C discrimination (Δ 13 C EAA ; enrichment or depletion) of essential amino acids in wood-fed larvae normalized to essential amino acids in the red maple host tree; Δ 13 C EAA = (δ 13 C wood-fed larvae EAA – δ 13 C red maple EAA ). F(1,68) = 48.04, P < 0.0001. Shown are mean values for three replicates per larval group and four replicates for host tree. Error bars represent standard errors of the mean. (B) δ 13 C discrimination (Δ 13 C EAA enrichment or depletion) of essential amino acids (Δ 13 C EAA ) in artificial diet-fed larvae normalized to the artificial diet essential amino acids; Δ 13 C EAA = (δ 13 C larvae EAA – δ 13 C Artificial diet EAA ). F(10, 77) = 12, P < 0.0001. Shown are mean values for three replicates per larval group and one replicate for the artificial diet food source.