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. 2015 Nov 13;23(2):248–256. doi: 10.1093/jamia/ocv134

Table 1:

CEMs used in the SHARPn project

Model Name Description New (N) or Repurposed (R)
Statement CEMs: “Statements” are independent facts in a patient’s record. Heart rate measurements, diagnoses, procedure records, documentation of allergies, etc are all statements.
GenericStatement A generic structure that serves as the parent of the other statement models. N
AdministrativeDiagnosis Statement of a diagnosis for administrative purposes. R
AdministrativeProcedure Statement of a procedure for administrative purposes. N
AllergyIntolerance * Statement that a patient has an allergy or intolerance. R
Assertion * Statement of a symptom or finding that exists in a patient. The value is a code representing the symptom or finding, eg, “nausea,” “fever,” etc. R
Assessment * (and its 3 data type-specific variants) Statement of a symptom or finding that follows an attribute/value pattern, eg, heart rate/numeric heart rate value, hair color (blonde, black, brown, etc), APGAR pulse score (“0,” “1,” “2”), etc. The data type may be a code, a numeric, or an ordinal. R
DiseaseDisorder * Statement of a disease/disorder existing in a patient. R
NotedDrug * Statement of a medication the patient is noted to have taken or be taking. N
Procedure * Statement of a procedure performed on the patient. R
StandardLabObs * (and its 6 data type-specific variants) Statement of a standard laboratory result. The 6 variants of the model support the result value being coded, quantitative, ordinal, string, interval, or titer. R
Patient CEM: A “Patient,” because of its central position in the health care record, is a special type of CEM.
Patient * CEM for capturing the identity and demographics of a patient. R
Links: A “Link,” or “Semantic Link,” is an association between 2 instances. Just as is the case for all other data instances, semantic link instances must conform to a CEM.
ComponentToComponentLink A CEM defining the structure of a link between 2 instances of component CEMs. N
StatementToComponentLink A CEM defining the structure of a link between an instance of a statement CEM and an instance of a component CEM. N
StatementToStatementLink A CEM defining the structure of a link between 2 instances of statement CEMs. N
Collections: “Collections” are loose groupings of CEM instances; all instances are related to the same patient but not necessarily recorded at the same time, by the same provider, etc.
AllergyIntoleranceConcern * A collection of allergy/intolerance instances. N
NotedDrugList * A collection of notedDrug instances. N
ProblemConcern * A collection of problem instances. N
Panels: “Panels” are strong groupings of CEM instances; all instances are related to the same patient and derived from the same source (specimen or instrument) and associated with the same or closely-related timestamp.
StandardLabPanel * A panel of StandardLabObs instances. R
VitalSignPanel * A panel of Assessment instances where the assessments represent vital sign measurements. R
Components: “Components” are analogous to “attributes” in traditional modeling/programming; they are only used within other CEMs and cannot stand by themselves. They themselves are CEMs, eg, the “StartTime” component within the “NotedDrug” CEM is itself defined by a separate CEM.
A number of “component” models were also created or repurposed for SHARP.

Abbreviations: SHARPn, Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Project area four; APGAR, appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration; CEM, Clinical Element Model.

*Both a “Core” version and a “Secondary Use” version of these models were created, as explained in the section “Context differences and core models.”