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. 2018 Dec 3;10:1801–1816. doi: 10.2147/CLEP.S175616

Table S2.

Agreement between MoBa and NorPD for 4-week intervals in MoBa Q1 and MoBa Q3

THRT MoBa totala NorPD totala MoBa only NorPD only Both Neither Agreement
n % n % n n n n κb (95% CI) Rangec
Q1 Weeks 0–4 959 1.7 923 1.6 231 202 721 54,987 0.76 (0.76–0.77) S
Weeks 5–8 968 1.7 941 1.7 238 211 730 54,969 0.76 (0.75–0.77) S
Weeks 9–12 978 1.7 960 1.7 232 214 746 54,956 0.77 (0.76–0.77) S
Q3 Weeks 13–16d 1,065 1.9 957 1.7 262 154 803 54,929 0.79 (0.78–0.80) S
Weeks 17–20 330 0.6 985 1.7 68 723 262 55,095 0.39 (0.38–0.40) f
Weeks 21–24 334 0.6 1,031 1.8 69 766 265 55,048 0.38 (0.37–0.39) f
Weeks 25–28 338 0.6 1,042 1.8 66 770 272 55,040 0.39 (0.38–0.40) f



Total study population, n=56,148.


Cohen’s kappa coefficient (k).


Subdivision of agreement by Landis and Koch: <0, no (no); 0–0.20, slight (s); 0.21–0.40, fair (f); 0.41–0.60, moderate (m); 0.61–0.80, substantial (S); and 0.81–1.00, perfect (P).


Weeks 13–16 aggregate the text box “week 13+” from MoBa Q1 and “weeks 13–16” from MoBa Q3.

Abbreviations: MoBa, Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study; MoBa Q1, MoBa questionnaire 1; MoBa Q3, MoBa questionnaire 3; NorPD, Norwegian Prescription Database; THRT, thyroid hormone replacement therapy.