Extended Data Figure 1 |. Individual channels of the stained images shown in Fig. 1b, c.
a-d, DAPI nuclear staining is shown in blue. Anti-cytokeratin staining is shown in grey. Snail-expressing cells are marked by anti-YFP staining in green (a, b). Anti-Zeb1 staining is shown in green (c, d). Anti-Fspl (a, c) and anti-Vim (b, d) staining are shown in red. Arrows indicate cytokeratin-positive tumour cells that express either the Snail (a, b) or the Zeb1 (c, d) EMT transcription factor but, at the same time, lack evident Fsp1 (a, c) or Vim (b, d) expression. Scale bars, 20 μm.