Cellular validation of midostaurin targets using RNAi and small molecule probes.
A, Viability of A427 cells upon 72 h treatment with increasing concentrations of GSK2334470 (PDPK1i), 0.5 μm BX795 (TBK1i) and/or 0.5 μm alisertib (AURKAi) determined by CellTiterGlo. Data depicts three biological replicates each performed in technical triplicate (mean ± S.D.). Colors represent specific drug combinations as indicated. B, Viability of A549 cells upon 72 h treatment with increasing concentrations of GSK2334470 (PDPK1i), 0.75 μm BX795 (TBK1i) and/or 0.5 μm alisertib (AURKAi) determined by CellTiterGlo. Data depicts three biological replicates each performed in technical triplicate (mean ± S.D.). Colors represent specific drug combinations as indicated. C, Relative A427 cell counts upon 96 h siRNA-mediated knockdown of PDPK1 and/or AURKA and/or 72 h treatment with 250 nm BX795. Data depicts three biological replicates each performed in technical triplicate (mean ± S.D.). Knockdown efficiency was determined using immunoblotting. Color is according to target inhibition displayed in A and B. D, Relative A549 cell counts upon 96 h siRNA-mediated knockdown of TBK1 and/or PDPK1 and/or 72 h treatment with 50 nm alisertib. Data depicts three biological replicates each performed in technical triplicate (mean ± S.D.). Knockdown efficiency was determined using immunoblotting. Color is according to target inhibition displayed in A and B. NT, non-targeting siRNA; DMSO: vehicle control.