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. 2017 Nov 8;44(1):16–26. doi: 10.1136/jfprhc-2017-101728

Table 3.

Prevalence of source(s) used to obtain contraceptive supplies in the past year among men aged 16–44 years who had had vaginal sex in the past year by sociodemographic and behavioural characteristics*

Sociodemographic and behavioural characteristics General practice Community clinics Retail More than one None
(unweighted, weighted)
% (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI) % (95% CI)
All 3142, 3182 15.3 (13.6 to 17.0) 21.3 (19.6 to 23.1) 54.6 (52.3 to 56.8) 30.6 (28.57 to 32.67) 26.2 (24.2 to 28.3)
Age group (years) p=0.2423 p<0.0001 p=0.0001 p<0.0001 p<0.0001
 16–17 195, 116 14.3 (9.8 to 20.4) 58.9 (51.1 to 66.2) 48.0 (40.4 to 55.8) 41.2 (34.0 to 48.8) 7.6 (4.3 to 13.0)
 18–19 287, 194 17.6 (13.2 to 23.0) 53.0 (46.2 to 59.6) 56.9 (49.9 to 63.6) 46.7 (39.8 to 53.7) 10.2 (6.9 to 14.8)
 20–24 671, 537 15.7 (12.7 to 19.3) 37.3 33.4 to 41.4) 63.1 (59.0 to 67.0) 46.0 (41.9 to 50.2) 16.0 (13.2 to 19.3)
 25–29 650, 514 12.9 (10.4 to 15.9) 18.9 (15.6 to 22.6) 57.1 (52.8 to 61.2) 30.1 (26.1 to 34.4) 25.7 (22.2 to 29.4)
 30–34 452, 476 18.2 (14.6 to 22.5) 10.8 (7.9 to 14.6) 55.6 (50.6 to 60.6) 26.5 (22.3 to 31.2) 28.3 (23.9 to 33.1)
 35–44 452, 802 14.3 (11.0 to 18.3) 5.2 (3.5 to 7.8) 47.0 (42.1 to 52.0) 17.6 (14.1 to 21.8) 38.6 (33.8 to 43.6)
Ethnic group† p=0.5357 p=0.0431 p=0.0658 p=0.2708 p=0.0052
 White 2384, 2256 14.9 (13.3 to 16.7) 21.0 (19.3 to 22.8) 53.4 (51.0 to 55.7) 30.7 (28.6 to 32.9) 27.6 (25.4 to 29.9)
 Black 89, 97 21.2 (13.1 to 32.5) 28.6 (18.8 to 40.9) 67.0 (54.7 to 77.4) 40.1 (28.7 to 52.8) 12.1 (6.5 to 21.4)
 Black: African 51, 56 18.2 (8.9 to 33.6) 26.0 (14.1 to 43.0) 69.6 (52.4 to 82.7) 41.5 (26.9 to 57.9) 8.1 (3.2 to 19.3)
 Black: Caribbean 30, 33 22.4 (9.1 to 45.4) 24.4 (12.0 to 43.3) 56.7 (34.6 to 76.4) 31.3 (15.7 to 52.7) 22.0 (9.3 to 43.7)
 Asian 119, 170 16.4 (10.1 to 25.6) 15.4 (9.2 to 24.7) 63.4 (52.4 to 73.2) 23.1 (15.6 to 32.7) 16.5 (9.8 to 26.5)
 Mixed/Other 119, 120 17.2 (10.6 to 26.6) 32.1 (23.6 to 42.1) 58.7 (47.5 to 68.9) 33.9 (25.3 to 43.8) 21.9 (13.2 to 34.2)
Academic qualifications ‡§ p=0.1968 p=0.0265 p<0.0001 p=0.0001 p<0.0001
 No academic qualifications 205, 209 19.5 (13.8 to 26.7) 20.7 (15.1 to 27.7) 40.8 (33.1 to 49.0) 26.9 (20.3 to 34.7) 33.7 (26.0 to 42.4)
 Academic qualifications typically gained at age 16 years 915, 888 15.6 (13.1 to 18.5) 17.6 (15.1 to 20.5) 48.5 (44.8 to 52.3) 25.2 (22.2 to 28.4) 33.0 (29.4 to 36.9)
 Studying for/attained further academic qualifications 1432, 1408 14.0 (11.9 to 16.3) 22.8 (20.4 to 25.4) 61.6 (58.6 to 64.5) 34.5 (31.6 to 37.4) 21.3 (18.8 to 24.0)
Quintiles of Index of Multiple Deprivation p=0.0461 p=0.0866 p=0.8472 p=0.2125 p=0.1546
 1–2 (lower deprivation) 1017, 1005 13.0 (10.7 to 15.8) 19.7 (17.2 to 22.6) 55.4 (51.8 to 59.0) 30.5 (27.4 to 33.8) 28.0 (24.8 to 31.5)
 3 529, 535 14.5 (11.5 to 18.1) 19.6 (16.3 to 23.5) 54.2 (49.3 to 59.0) 27.3 (23.2 to 31.9) 27.5 (22.9 to 32.6)
 4–5 (higher deprivation) 1161, 1098 17.7 (15.1 to 20.6) 23.5 (20.9 to 26.2) 54.0 (50.4 to 57.5) 32.2 (29.1 to 35.5) 23.8 (20.9 to 27.0)
Area type¶ p=0.3805 p=0.8600 p=0.002 p=0.217 p=0.002
 Urban 2201, 2166 14.9 (13.1 to 16.9) 21.3 (19.5 to 23.3) 56.1 (53.6 to 58.6) 31.1 (28.8 to 33.5) 24.6 (22.5 to 26.9)
 Rural 506, 472 16.7 (13.4 to 20.7) 21.0 (17.4 to 25.0) 47.5 (42.7 to 52.3) 28.1 (24.2 to 32.4) 33.2 (28.2 to 38.6)
Relationship status p=0.0001 p<0.0001 p<0.0001 p<0.0001 p<0.0001
 Married/civil partnership 617, 887 19.1 (15.9 to 22.8) 7.6 (5.7 to 10.2) 47.0 (42.6 to 51.4) 17.9 (14.8 to 21.5) 34.7 (30.5 to 39.0)
 Living with partner 570, 604 17.3 (14.1 to 21.0) 14.1 (11.4 to 17.3) 44.0 (39.4 to 48.7) 25.2 (21.5 to 29.3) 37.9 (33.4 to 42.6)
 In a steady relationship 698, 525 10.9 (8.6 to 13.6) 34.9 (30.8 to 39.1) 61.6 (57.4 to 65.6) 41.7 (37.3 to 46.1) 18.4 (15.3 to 21.9)
 Single, never married 816, 617 11.6 (9.1 to 14.7) 36.2 (32.5 to 40.0) 70.0 (66.5 to 73.4) 44.6 (40.7 to 48.6) 9.1 (7.0 to 11.6)
Opposite-sex partners, past year p=0.0289 p<0.0001 p<0.0001 p<0.0001 p<0.0001
 1 1802, 1913 16.3 (14.4 to 18.5) 15.4 (13.7 to 17.3) 50.2 (47.5 to 52.9) 25.6 (23.3 to 28.0) 31.5 (29.0 to 34.2)
 2+ 882, 702 12.5 (10.2 to 15.4) 37.3 (33.6 to 41.1) 66.3 (62.7 to 69.8) 44.0 (40.1 to 47.9) 11.9 (9.5 to 14.6)
Any STI diagnosis (excluding thrush) (past year) p=0.6319 p<0.0001 p=0.5533 p=0.0342 p=0.1018
 No 2617, 2552 15.1 (13.5 to 16.9) 20.6 (18.9 to 22.3) 54.7 (52.4 to 56.9) 30.3 (28.2 to 32.4) 26.5 (24.4 to 28.7)
 Yes 57, 47 18.0 (8.5 to 34.1) 57.4 (42.6 to 71.1) 50.2 (35.7 to 64.7) 45.2 (31.1 to 60.1) 15.5 (7.5 to 29.5)
Number of children p=0.0268 p<0.0001 p<0.0001 p<0.0001 p<0.0001
 0 1893, 1614 13.5 (11.7 to 15.6) 27.8 (25.6 to 30.1) 61.3 (58.7 to 63.8) 36.8 (34.3 to 39.4) 19.4 (17.4 to 21.6)
 1 382, 416 17.3 (13.3 to 22.1) 11.6 (8.7 to 15.3) 43.2 (37.6 to 48.9) 18.7 (14.9 to 23.2) 35.9 (30.4 to 41.8)
 2+ 429, 605 18.6 (14.9 to 22.9) 10.5 (7.8 to 13.9) 44.6 (39.4 to 49.9) 22.3 (18.2 to 27.0) 37.4 (32.3 to 42.8)
Partner used LARC only (past year) 177, 193 20.4 (14.1 to 28.5) 7.5 (4.4 to 12.6) 9.1 (5.4 to 15.0) 5.2 (2.6 to 10.0) 64.2 (55.6 to 71.9)

*P-values indicate differences within exposure category (ie, source of contraceptive supplies). Row percentages are presented; the categories are not mutually exclusive and add up to more than 100%.

†P-value presented corresponds to the categories: White, Black, Asian, Mixed/Other.

‡Participants aged ≥17 years.

§English General Certificate of Secondary Education or equivalent.

¶Urban is defined as areas with a population of >=10 000 people.

LARC, long-acting reversible contraception; STI, sexually transmitted infection.