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. 2018 Dec 6;13(12):e0208571. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0208571

Table 2. Social-economic data and variables related to psychosocial stress and trauma in the different locations.

Variable Jordan West Bank Gaza
Social variables Mothers age—median (IQR) 28 (24–32) 27 (23–31) 27 (23–31)
Mothers marital age—median (IQR) 19,5 (18–22) 19 (18–21) 19 (17–22)
Mothers education—years—median (IQR) 12 (9–12) 12 (10–14)* 12 (10–14)**
Fathers age—median (IQR) 33 (29–39) 32 (28–37) 31 (27–36)*
Fathers martital age-median (IQR) 26 (23–29) 25 (23–28) 24 (22–27)*
Fathers education-median (IQR) 10 (8–12) 10 (8–12) 12 (9–14)**
Economic variables Mother unemployed % (95% CI) 95,5 (93,4–97,4) 90,2 (86,0–93,9)* 95,8 (92,8–98,1)
Father unemployed % (95% CI) 4,7 (2,8–6,8) 6,2 (3,3–9,5) 30 (23,9–35,7)**
Income low < 300 JD or < 1500 shekel % (95% CI) 61,6 (57,0–65,9) 34,9 (28,8–41,2)** 67 (60,9–73,2)
Income doesn't meet essential needs % (95% CI) 68,1 (63,5–72,4) 66,2 (60,2–72,7) 73 (66,5–79,1)
Family has loans % (95% CI) 52,6 (48,4–57,5) 64,8 (58,3–71,3)* 72,4 (66,2–78,2)**
Housing variables Place of residence % (95% CI) Urban area 54,3 (49,9–59,1) 48,8 (42,4–55,8) 54,4 (47,9–61,6)
Rural area 15,9 (12,4–19,2) 16,1 (11,8–21,2) 6,0 (3,3–9,3)
Refugee area 29,7 (25,134,0) 35,0 (28,4 41,0) 39,5 (31,9–46,5)*
Forced to move % (95% CI) 7,7 (5,3–10,2) 6,9 (3,7–10,6) 34,9 (28,4–41,4)**
Stress-related Violence against mother % (95% CI) 19,4 (15,7–23,2) 34,6 (28,6–41,5)** 40 (33,5–46,0)**
Violence against child % (95% CI) 2,6 (1,3–4,2) 41 (34,4–47,7)** 41,9 (35,3–48,4)**
Bad/very bad relationship husband % (95% CI) 3,0 (1,4–4,7) 2,8 (0,9–5,1) 4,2 (1,9–7,0)
Bad/very bad relationship family members % (95% CI) 4,0 (2,3–6,1) 1,4 (0,0–3,2) 7,4 (4,2–11,2)**
Traumatic events Traumascore total—median (IQR) 0 (0–1) 0 (0–1)* 2 (0–4)**
Traumascore % (95% CI) Low 98,6 (97,4–99,5) 96,8 (94,0–98,6) 80,5 (74,9–86,0)**
Moderate 1,4 (0,5–2,6) 3,2 (1,4–6,0) 16,3 (11,6–21,4)**
High 0 0 3,3 (0,9–5,6)**

*: Significant different compared to Jordan. P<0,05.

**: Significant different compared to Jordan. P<0,001.