Table 1. Experimental EAD properties in isolated ventricular myocytes*.
Reference (Figure) | Species | Lowest Vtakeoff (mV) | Maximum AEAD (mV) | TEAD (ms) | LEAD (ms) |
[33] (Fig 2C) $ | Human | -20 | 30 | ~ 250 | ~ 300 |
[34] (Fig 10) | Human | -20 | 25 | 300–500 | 600–1000 |
[35] (Figs 1A and 2A) | Human | -25 | 15 | 400–600 | |
[36] (Fig 2(b)) | Human | -15 | 25 | ~700 | ~1500 |
[37] (Fig 6) & | Canine | -35 | 35 | ~ 270 | ~ 250 |
[38] (Fig 1A) & | Canine | -30 | 25 | ~ 270 | ~ 270 |
[38] (Fig 2A) & | Canine | -35 | 40 | 130–200 | ~ 160 |
[39] (Fig 3A–3C) | Canine | -25 | 25 | ~ 300 | ~ 300 |
[40] (Figs 1B, 4A and 5A) | Canine | -25 | 30 | ~ 250 | ~ 300 |
[41] (Fig 3) | Rabbit | 40 | ~ 300 | ~ 300 | |
[42] (Fig 6A) | Rabbit | -30 | 30 | ~ 300 | ~ 200 |
[43] (Figs 1B and 2A) | Rabbit | -40 | 70 | ~ 400 | 400–500 |
[44] (Figs 1 and 3C–3E) | Rabbit | -20 | 20 | 250–500 | 650–800 |
[45] (Figs 1C and 6B) | Rabbit | 50 | 300–400 | 150–200 | |
[46] (Fig 1) | Rabbit | -10 | 10 | ~ 500 | ~ 450 |
[47] (Fig 4B–4C) | Guinea pig | 25 | ~ 200 | ~ 200 | |
[48] (Figs 2–4, 6 and 8) # | Guinea pig | -40 | 70 | ~ 500 | 400–600 |
[49] (Figs 2A and 3B) # | Guinea pig | -40 | 55 | ~ 200 | 200–1200 |
[50] (Fig 5A) | Rat | -40 | 50 | 200–500 | 200–250 |
[51] (Fig 6A) | Mouse | -45 | 50 | ~ 300 | ~ 3000 |
[52] (Fig 6) | Mouse | -40 | 50 | ~170 | ~100 |
[53] (Fig 4A), type I | Mouse | -40 | 45 | 50–90 | ~ 30 |
[53] (Fig 4B), type II | Mouse | -55 | 40 | 40–90 | ~ 30 |
*We estimated the following EAD properties: lowest takeoff potential, maximum EAD amplitude, inter-EAD interval, and EAD latency, using the AP traces shown in the figures as indicated in the parenthesis for each reference. We used the coordinates or the scale bars in the original plots to estimate these quantities. Therefore, the number shown in this table are not accurate measurements but just estimations. Action potentials were recorded under 35 oC to 37 oC except for Ref. [38] in which the action potentials were recorded under hyperthermia.
$The time scale bar in Fig 2C in Ref. [33] is 300 ms instead of 150 ms per personal communication with Dr. G.-R. Li.
&The recordings in these studies [37, 38] were not from truly isolated ventricular myocytes but from isolated small strips of M-cells.
#EADs were induced by constant inward current injection in these studies.