a, Genome browser snapshot of H3K4me3 signal and DNA methylation levels for oocyte and sperm19,23. b, c, Heat maps of H3K4me3 and DNA methylation for indicated oocyte stages at TSS-containing domains ordered according to increasing sizes (n = 15,608). Horizontal positions, spatial distribution relative to domain centre; Densities, H3K4me3 signal (b) or CpG methylation level (c). d, Bar plot showing number of ZGA genes embedded within broad H3K4me3 domains and the number expected by chance (***P < 10−3, Fisher’s exact test). e, Average H3K27ac RPKM values of 5’ and 3’ sides and flanking regions of broad H3K4me3 domains in 2- and 8-cell-stage embryos for ZGA gene TSS-containing domains (n = 2,104), oocyte-specific gene TSS-containing domains (n = 1,117) and non-TSS-containing domains (n = 12,691) broader than 10 kb. Domains containing both ZGA and oocyte-specific gene TSSs were excluded.