A. Illustration of the major cell types in the olfactory epithelium. B. Schematic illustration of the single cell RNA-Seq procedures. Olfactory epithelia are dissected from P0, P3, P7 and P21 animals and dissociated. Single cells are size-selected and stained with DAPI and Draq5. Single cells are purified using FACS. Libraries constructed using 10X Genomics platform are used for RNA-Seq. C. t-SNE plot showing 20 clusters assigned by the expression of marker genes. D. Cells isolated from different ages are mapped to the t-SNE plot. E. Violin plots showing the expression levels of the known cell-type markers. Cell clusters are identical to those in C. F. Two-dimension plot showing distinct mOSN sub-groups identified through SIMLR. G. Cells from different ages of the animals are mapped to the SIMLR plot. H. Heatmap showing differentially expressed genes among the three mOSN groups. I. Stacked column plot showing the proportion of cells belonging to each group at different ages. Abbreviations: mOSN, mature olfactory sensory neurons; iOSN, immature olfactory sensory neurons; INP, immediate neuronal progenitor; GBC, globose basal cell; HBC, horizontal basal cell; Mv, microvilli cell; Ms4, cells expressing Ms4a receptors; Sus, sustentacular cell; UD, undetermined cell type.