Fig. 4.
Reduced silica-induced inflammatory cell death in the absence of cGAS/STING. Silica microparticles (1 mg/mouse, i.t.) or saline vehicle were administered in WT, STING−/−, and cGAS−/− mice and the different parameters were analyzed on day 7, as in Fig. 3. a Flow cytometry representative dot blots showing Annexin V/PI staining of F4/80+CD11c– interstitial macrophages (IM), F4/80+CD11c+ alveolar macrophages (AM), CD11c+F4/80−dendritic cells (DC), and Ly6G+F4/80– neutrophils among CD45+CD11b+ cells in WT, STING−/−, and cGAS−/− mice. Bargraphs of the Annexin V/PI-stained cells among b interstitial macrophages, c alveolar macrophages, d DCs, and e neutrophils, expressed as absolute cell number per lung. f Immunoblots of caspase 3, cleaved caspase 3, gasdermin D, MLKL, and phospho-MLKL in the lung of WT and STING−/− mice with β-actin as a reference. *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001 (Kruskal–Wallis test followed by Dunn post test). Data are presented as mean ± SEM and are representative of two independent experiments (a–e: mice per group: n = 5 (WT NaCl), n = 4 (WT silica), n = 5 (STING−/− NaCl), n = 5 (STING−/− silica), n = 4 (cGAS−/− NaCl), n = 5 (cGAS–/– silica)). Immunoblots are representative of n = 6 samples from two independent experiments (f). Each symbol represents an individual mouse. Source data are provided as a Source Data file