Pathological assessment of lung inflammation. Three groups were used to assess the impact of total liquid ventilation in this pathological neonatal model, using the Hillman histological score. TLV (total liquid ventilation, n = 8) represents the group of lambs studied with electrical impedance tomography and fluoroscopy while CTRL represents a control group where lambs were not mechanically ventilated or subjected to the insult (n = 5). The lambs from the gas ventilation group (GV, n = 7) were subjected to the same insult as the TLV group but were maintained under conventional gas ventilation for the entire duration of the experiment. A, anterior regions of the lung; P, posterior lung regions. ∗Significantly different (p < 0.05). One animal from the TLV group was only subjected to TLV for 3 h due to a technical problem with the liquid ventilator prototype. The exclusion of this subject does not affect the statistical results presented. A Kruskal Wallis test followed by Mann-Whitney U-test was used.