Figure 2. Cadherins mediate interactions of V-ooDSGCs dendrites with an interneuronal scaffold.
(A) V-ooDSGCs in control retinas, and retinas from which SACs had been killed by diphtheria toxin (ChATcre;CAGS-stop-DTR;Hb9GFP). Sections were co-stained for vesicular acetylcholine transporter (vAChT, red) to label SAC dendrites and neurotrace (NT, blue) to visualize somata. Stratification of VG3 amacrine cells, marked with anti-VGlut3 in separate sections, is unaffected. Scale bar, 20 μm.
(B) Mean GFP intensity (± SEM) of V-ooDSGC dendrites across the inner plexiform layer (IPL), derived from images such as those in A (n as in Fig. 1D). Lamination pattern of Cdh6-9-10 mutants is significantly different from that of controls (p<0.05; see Fig. 1 legend).
(C) Cdh6-9-10;Hb9-GFP alleles generated using CRISPR/Cas9-based genome engineering (see also Fig. S1K, L).
(D,F,H,J) V-ooDSGCs in control and mutant retinas at P21. Staining as in A.
(E,G,I,K) Mean GFP intensity (± SEM) of ooDSGC dendrites across the IPL, derived from images such as those in D,F,H,J, respectively. Lamination pattern of mutants differ significantly from those of controls (p<0.05 for E,G,I and p<0.01 for K; see Fig. 1 legend). n as in Fig. 1D. Bar in D is 20μm.