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. 2018 Oct 23;37:401–409. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2018.10.045

Table 2.

Univariate and multivariate analysis of factors associated with clinical severity of 99 non-HIV CM patients.

Variable Univariate analysisa
Multivariate analysis
Mild group
Severe group
p value OR (95% CI) p value
(n = 68) (n = 31)
Symptoms at presentation
 Vomiting 28/68 (41·2) 21/31 (67·7) 0·014
 Epilepsy 10/68 (14·7) 11/31 (35·5) 0·019
 Cryptococcal antigen (≥1:1280) 32/68 (47·1) 22/31 (71·0) 0·027
 Cytokine (pg/mL)
 IL-1β 2·06 (1·26, 4·06) 3·22 (2·33, 6·23) 0·008
 IL-1ra 395·04 (188·90, 1236·57) 931·71 (449·10, 3008·76) 0·003
 IL-2 4·32 (2·10, 6·48) 7·33 (3·79, 12·38) 0·003
 IL-4 1·28 (0·84, 1·93) 1·76 (1·33, 2·48) 0·017
 IL-6 837·81 (168·22, 2796·41) 2673·00 (1233·49, 9831·26) 0·003
 IL-8 708·11 (429·33, 1500·46) 1905·49 (988·96, 3079·69) 0·000
 IL-10 38·84 (25·12, 66·00) 81·16 (43·91, 128·84) 0·000 2·97 (1·49–5·90) 0·002
 IL-12 3·95 (1·58, 6·69) 5·72 (3·26, 9·11) 0·010
 IL-13 4·31 (2·35, 12·25) 9·11 (3·56, 21·69) 0·029
 IL-15 22·18 (16·24, 32·23) 31·16 (23·03, 41·14) 0·001
 Eotaxin 11·62 (7·97, 16·54) 14·68 (11·04, 22·60) 0·020
 IFN 40·89 (22·34, 64·92) 65·48 (43·80, 95·57) 0·002
 MCP-1 205·16 (121·07, 431·35) 367·25 (234·56, 726·76) 0·003
 MIP-1α 9·41 (4·68, 16·28) 19·25 (8·97, 28·97) 0·000
 PDGF-bb 6·09 (3·71, 10·29) 7·38 (5·68, 12·29) 0·049
 MIP-1β 83·51 (55·30, 119·20) 151·82 (105·73, 227·85) 0·000
 TNF-α 31·68 (19·11, 65·08) 52·34 (37·42, 79·49) 0·005
 VEGF 16·75 (13·68, 25·09) 22·15 (19·51, 34·45) 0·008
 Positive culture of Cryptococcus 11/67 (16·4) 12/29 (41·4) 0·009
 CRP (>8·20 mg/L) 26/65 (40·0) 19/28 (67·9) 0·014 6·24 (1·61–24·18) 0·008
Pretreatment cranial MRI
 Ventriculomegaly 5/60 (8·3) 13/30 (43·3) 0·000 11·23 (2·58–48·96) 0·001
 rs5743604 C/C 22/68 (32·4) 17/31 (54·8) 0·034
 rs3804099 C/T 32/68 (47·1) 8/31 (25·8) 0·046

Data are n (%) or median (IQR). Missing data not provided by the sites are indicated by the denominators in each variable. HIV = human immunodeficiency virus. CM = cryptococcal meningitis. CSF = cerebrospinal fluid. MRI = magnetic resonance imaging. CRP=C-reactive protein. IL = interleukin. IFN = interferon. MCP = monocyte chemo attractant protein. MIP = macrophage inflammatory protein. PDGF = platelet-derived growth factor. TNF = tumor necrosis factor. VEGF = vascular endothelial growth factor. TLR = Toll-like receptor. SNP = single nucleotide polymorphism. Odds ratio for all numerical variables are per quartile increase, and for binary variables represent presence versus absence.


Factors included in the initial univariate analysis not shown in the table: [1] clinical factors: age, sex, predisposing factors, vital signs at presentation (fever, headache, and cranial nerve palsy), CSF examinations (CSF pressure, white blood cell count, lymphocyte count, glucose level, protein level, positive Indian ink smear, and positive culture for Cryptococcus), blood tests (cryptococcal antigen ≥1:1280, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, procalcitonin, D-dimmer, and serum calcium), Cryptococcus strain (Cryptococcus gatti), pretreatment cranial MRI (meningeal enhancement and single/multiple parenchymal lesions) and treatment (time to diagnosis >90 days, Amphotericin B-based treatment, and surgical intervention); [2] CSF cytokines: IL-5, IL-7, IL-9, IL-17, fibroblast growth factor-basic, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, interferon-induced protein-10, and RANTES; [3] TLR SNPs: rs5743563, rs1927907, rs3796508, rs5743794, rs164637, and rs352140.