Metformin interferes with YAP-mediated NSCLC initiation, progression, and metastasis.
a A549 cells were transfected with YAP or YAPS127A, then treated with PBS or metformin 10 mM for 60 h. The cellular proliferation was analyzed by CCK8 assay. b–h A549 cells were transfected with YAP or si YAP, then treated with PBS or metformin 10 mM for 60 h. b the cellular proliferation was analyzed by CCK8 assay. c the protein of Ki67 was analyzed by immunofluorescent staining. d Colony formation density was analyzed by colony formation assay. e Cell senescence was analyzed by SA-β-gal staining. f Cellular migration ability was analyzed by cell scratch assay. g Cellular invasion ability was analyzed by cell transwell assay. h the expressions of E-cadherin and Vimentin were analyzed by RT-PCR, Western blot and RT-qPCR assay. Results were presented as mean ± SD, and the error bars represent the SD of three independent experiments. (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ANOVA with Bonferroni correction).