Thermoplastic shape memory effect can be thermally triggered by light in a temporally controlled fashion. Particles were loaded with hydrophobic gold nanoparticles and stretched at either (A-D) 65 °C or (E-H) 90 °C to generate ellipsoidal microparticles. The particles were then triggered using laser light at 532 nm for (A, E) 1 min, (B, F) 2 min, (C, G) 3 min, or (D, H) 5 min. The particles deformed at 65 °C exhibited full shape reversion to spherical forms whereas the particles stretched at 90 °C did not. (I) Aspect ratio analysis and (J) percent reversion of SEM images demonstrate quantitatively the shape memory effect observed only in particles stretched at 65 °C. (K) The temperature for both 65 °C and 90 °C stretched particle media during laser heating was identical. Error bars represent the standard error of 20 individual particle replicates.