Reduction in perfusion within the retina and choroid at 100 mmHg IOP enables complete visualization of posterior arterial supply around ONH. (a-c) are the cross-sectional images of the structure, blood flow, and their overlay, respectively. The dashed lines in (c) are segmentation lines that depict the anterior surface of retina (cyan), the RPE (green) and the boundary between choroid and outer choroid (yellow). (d-f) are false color en face MIPs of the blood vessels in the layer of retina, choroid and outer choroid, respectively. The color bars indicate the depth-encoded color with the depth measured from the top of the slab that was used to produce the blood perfusion maps as shown. The red dashed lines in (d-f) indicate the position of the cross-sectional images shown in the top row CRA: central retinal artery, ONH: optic nerve head, PCAs: posterior ciliary arteries.