Figure 2.
Pheromone odor conditioning and classical odor conditioning activate distinct but converging circuitries in the brain. (A) An example of Arc and H1a mRNA staining. “1” indicates a double labeled cell (green and red in the nucleus) that was activated by both terpinene and octanol; “2” indicates a cell expressing H1A (green; activated by octanol); “3” indicates a cell expressing Arc (red; activated by terpinene). Scale bars, 100 and 20 µm. (B–K) Ratios of Arc+/H1A+ cells in various olfactory and limbic structures. O−/S+, shock only rats; O+/S−, odor only rats that were caged alone; O+/S+, odor/shock conditioned rats; O+/Comp, odor only rats that were caged with odor/shock conditioned rats. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Error bars, mean ± SEM.