(A) Direct spleno-renal shunt: Maximum Intensity Projection (MPR) coronal reconstruction; the shunt consist in a tortuous varicosities between the splenic vein (dotted arrow) and its confluence within an ectatic left renal vein (full arrow) in the absence of varicosities along the gastric wall. (B1–B2–B3) Splenogastrorenal or indirect splenorenal shunt: consecutive MPR coronal reconstruction depicting a splenogastrorenal shunt. The anastomosis connects, toward a short gastric vein, the gastric vein wall (gastric and perigastric varices) (dotted arrow, panel B2), to the left renal vein (full arrow, panel B3) via the left inferior phrenic vein with connection with the splenic vein. (C1–C2) Gastrorenal shunt: MPR coronal oblique reconstruction depicting how gastric varices are connected to the left renal vein (full arrow, panel C1). Axial images at the splenic hilum clearly demonstrate a cleavage plane among the splenic vein (dotted arrow, panel C2) and the ectatic left renal vein.