MAP4 phosphorylation induces MT disassembly and mitochondrial translocation of p-MAP4. (a, b) WB analysis was used to detect polymerized (poly) or free tubulin in two mouse models. VDAC and GAPDH were used as the internal controls for poly and free tubulin, respectively. n = 6. (c) Determination of MAP4 binding to tubulin in two mouse models by immunoprecipitation (IP). n = 6. (d, e) WB analysis showing the levels of p-M in mitochondria fractions and fractions apart from mitochondria in two mouse models. n = 6. (f, g) Poly/free tubulin in CMs were detected by WB. n = 5. The experiment was conducted 5 times. (h) Representative confocal immunofluorescence images showing the MTs organization of the CMs. Bar, 10 μm. The experiment was conducted 5 times. The inserts showed high magnification images of the representative MT network. (i, j) Detection of p-M translocation to mitochondria with or without MAP4(Ala) transfection in CMs. n = 5. The experiment was conducted 5 times. The Data were shown as mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. P values were derived from one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni's post-test.