Figure 6.
LC-MS/MS spectra of the derivatized mixture of the two tetrasaccharide isomers. (A) EIC of derivatized dp4 (m/z 1100.563) from the LC-MS experiment. CID MS/MS spectra of the precursor ion [M]+ (m/z 1100.563) resulted in two qualitatively different product ion spectra: (B) one dominated by the 609.360 product ion, and (C) one dominated by the 623.376 product ion. (D) Theoretical fragmentation of the two derivatized isomers indicate that the Y2 product ion would differentiate between the two isomers, and EICs of the two Y2 ions show clear chromatographic separation of the isomeric mixture, with the product ion of m/z 609.360 diagnostic for T1: IdoA-GlcNS-IdoA-GlcNAc-O(CH2)5-NH2, and the product ion of m/z 623.376 is diagnostic for T2: IdoA-GlcNAc-IdoA-GlcNS-O(CH2)5-NH2.