Figure 3.
Grand means of the co-contraction index (CCI) during posture control performed with (A) eyes open and (B) eyes closed for the CTRL (open circles) and JUMP group (full circles). Data is displayed for baseline measurements (BDC-14 and BDC-1) and the recovery period (R+0, R+7, R+13, R+28, and R+90) after the 60 days of bed-rest. Results show changes in antagonistic muscle groups encompassing the ankle (m. soleus and tibialis (SOL_TA); m. gastrocnemius medialis (GM) and TA (GM_TA) and knee joint (m. rectus femoris and m. biceps femoris (RF_BF); m. vastus medialis and BF (VM_BF) indicating an increased CCI after bed-rest. P < 0.05 denotes a significant group*time interaction effect. * indicates a significant difference compared to baseline. If values were statistically non-inferior compared to baseline, they are marked with a ≈ symbol. (C) Pearson's correlation coefficients among the variables center of force (CoF) path length (abscissa) with CCIs for differences between values obtained at R+1 and BDC-1 for CTRL. Findings revealed positive correlations, indicating an interrelationship between the increased sway path and augmented antagonistic co-contraction. Values are means ± SE. *indicates significant findings (P < 0.05).