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. 2018 Oct 22;96(4):635–671. doi: 10.1111/1468-0009.12349

Table 2.

Demographic Characteristics of the Sample (N = 395)

Sample Characteristics
Characteristic n % Population Comparison %
Gender: 395
Male 160 40.5 49%85
Female 233 59.0 51%85
Transgender 2 0.5
Aboriginal Identity: 391
Yes 163 41.7 4.4%86
No 228 58.3
Employment Status: 379
Employeda 74 19.5 60.9%87
Unemployed 234 61.7 7.8%87
Otherb 71 18.7
Highest Educational Level Completed: 386
Less than high school 164 42.5 12.7%88
Completed high school 60 15.8 23.2%
College certificate or diploma 127 32.9 38.3%
University degree 35 9.1 25.9%
Receiving Social Assistance: 116 29.4 Ontarioc BCd
3.6%89 1.2%89
Receiving Disability Assistance: 153 38.7 Ontario BC
2.2%89 2.0%89
Difficulty Living on Total Household Incomee: 388 Prevalence of low income in adults 18 to 64: 14.4%92
Very difficult 136 35.1
Somewhat difficult 132 34.0
Not very difficult 72 18.6
Not at all difficult 48 12.4
Shelter Use (past 12 months)f: 384
Yes 67 17.4 0.08%f ,90
No 317 82.6

Employed status refers to individuals working full or part time, as well as those doing seasonal work.


The majority of responses in this category are retired, receiving assistance, stay‐at‐home mom, student, and occasional cash work.


Participants were asked, “Overall, how difficult is it for you to live on your total household income right now?”


Calculation of number of persons age 15+ living in a shelter in 2011 (Statistics Canada, 2011 Census of Population, Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98‐313‐XCB2011024, Table: Selected Collective Dwelling and Population Characteristics (52) and Type of Collective Dwelling (17) for the Population in Collective Dwellings of Canada, Provinces and Territories, 2011 Census.90