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. 2018 Nov 29;7(12):giy137. doi: 10.1093/gigascience/giy137

Table 1:

Eleven loci identified by BN-cGAS and uGAS on metabolites for which at least one one-reaction-step neighbor was available

Locus SNP Metabolite chr:pos Gene effA/refA EAF Beta (se) P- value GC Beta (se) P- value GC Ncov Noise Pleiotropic
uGAS and cGAS
1 rs211718 C8 1:75879263 ACADM T/C 0.3 −0.45 (0.034) 6.35E-39 −0.10 (0.012) 4.45E-17 1 0.92 −1.29
1 rs211718 C12 1:75879263 ACADM T/C 0.3 −0.04 (0.036) 2.21E-01 0.20 (0.014) 4.07E-42 3 0.80 1.29
2 rs7705189 PC ae C42:5 5:131651257 SLC22A4 G/A 0.47 0.15 (0.034) 8.83E-06 0.06 (0.009) 9.63E-11 3 1.16 −0.83
2 rs419291 C5 5:131661254 SLC22A4 T/C 0.38 0.26 (0.035) 6.62E-14 0.17 (0.029) 1.40E-08 1 0.16 −0.40
3 rs9368564 PC aa C42:5 6:11168269 ELOVL2 G/A 0.25 −0.29 (0.039) 4.64E-14 −0.15 (0.024) 1.06E-10 3 0.45 −0.58
4 rs12356193 C0 10:61083359 SLC16A9 G/A 0.17 −0.51 (0.046) 4.93E-28 −0.42 (0.042) 8.83E-23 1 0.07 −0.17
5 rs174547 lyso-PC a C20:4 11:61327359 FADS1 C/T 0.7 0.61 (0.033) 2.12E-75 0.66 (0.024) 2.65E-169 1 0.29 0.07
6 rs2066938 C4 12:119644998 ACADS G/A 0.27 0.73 (0.033) 1.07E-104 0.72 (0.031) 4.26E-116 1 0.05 0.00
7 rs10873201 PC ae C36:5 14:67036352 PLEKHH1 T/C 0.45 −0.26 (0.034) 6.34E-14 −0.21 (0.018) 5.72E-31 2 0.55 −0.18
7 rs1077989 PC ae C32:2 14:67045575 PLEKHH1 C/A 0.46 −0.30 (0.034) 9.22E-19 −0.06 (0.016) 5.39E-05 3 0.66 −1.34
8 rs4814176 PC ae C40:2 20:12907398 SPTLC3 T/C 0.36 0.24 (0.035) 5.60E-12 0.25 (0.023) 1.28E-25 4 0.35 0.02
Only uGAS
9 rs8396 C10 4:159850267 ETFDH C/T 0.71 0.26 (0.037) 1.32E-12 0.05 (0.010) 5.08E-07 2 1.09 −1.39
Only cGAS
10 rs4862429 PC ae C42:5 4:186006834 ACSL1 T/C 0.31 0.02 (0.037) 6.63E-01 −0.06 (0.010) 7.01E-11 3 1.15 1.20
11 rs603424 Lyso-PC a C16:1 10:102065469 PKD2L1 A/G 0.8 0.23 (0.042) 4.83E-08 0.21 (0.031) 1.76E-11 1 0.26 −0.07

Notes: The best SNP-metabolite pair is shown for each locus. chr: pos, the physical position of the SNP; EAF, effect allele frequency; beta (se), the estimated effect and standard error of the SNP; effA/refA, effect allele/reference allele; P-value, the P-value of the additive model; Gene, the most likely (according to Data-driven Expression-Prioritized Integration for Complex Traits [DEPICT] software) associated gene in the region; Ncov, the number of covariates used in cGAS; Noise/Pleiotropic, the values of noise and pleiotropic components of the log-ratio of cGAS and uGAS T2 statistics.