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. 2018 Dec 10;363:k4481. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k4481

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of patients discharged during the December holiday period and control periods (late November and January). Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise

Characteristics Study periods SD*
Holiday (n=217 305) Control (n=453 641)
Year of hospital discharge†:
 2002 17 485 (8.0) 37 411 (8.2) 0.01
 2003 18 329 (8.4) 37 072 (8.2) 0.01
 2004 17 324 (8.0) 35 678 (7.9) 0.00
 2005 15 327 (7.1) 33 978 (7.5) 0.02
 2006 15 004 (6.9) 30 956 (6.8) 0.00
 2007 14 349 (6.6) 30 167 (6.6) 0.00
 2008 14 053 (6.5) 29 955 (6.6) 0.01
 2009 14 265 (6.6) 30 234 (6.7) 0.00
 2010 14 724 (6.8) 29 764 (6.6) 0.01
 2011 14 418 (6.6) 31 193 (6.9) 0.01
 2012 15 509 (7.1) 31 366 (6.9) 0.01
 2013 15 498 (7.1) 31 773 (7.0) 0.00
 2014 15 896 (7.3) 32 001 (7.1) 0.01
 2015 15 124 (7.0) 32 093 (7.1) 0.00
Patient age (years)‡:
 <18 30 195 (13.9) 62 897 (13.9) 0.00
 18-64 96 895 (44.6) 206 684 (45.6) 0.02
 ≥65 90 215 (41.5) 184 060 (40.6) 0.02
Female 107 466 (49.5) 228 249 (50.3) 0.02
Rural residence 32 016 (14.7) 68 815 (15.2) 0.01
Income fifth§:
 1 (lowest) 49 491 (22.8) 103 747 (22.9) 0.00
 2 45 452 (20.9) 94 616 (20.9) 0.00
 3 42 039 (19.3) 88 370 (19.5) 0.00
 4 41 637 (19.2) 85 902 (18.9) 0.01
 5 (highest) 37 569 (17.3) 78 547 (17.3) 0.00
Median (interquartile range) length of hospital stay (days) 3 (2-6) 3 (2-7) 0.08
Arrival by ambulance at index admission 71 036 (32.7) 141 767 (31.3) 0.03
Charlson comorbidity index score:
 0 (lowest) 113 977 (52.5) 240 153 (52.9) 0.01
 1 43 413 (20.0) 86 556 (19.1) 0.02
 2 24 728 (11.4) 52 023 (11.5) 0.00
 3 14 198 (6.5) 29 772 (6.6) 0.00
 ≥4 (highest) 20 989 (9.7) 45 137 (9.9) 0.01
Discharged against medical advice 3027 (1.4) 5658 (1.2) 0.01
Discharged with support services 34 783 (16.0) 78 155 (17.2) 0.03
Outpatient visits with physicians in past year¶:
 0-5 73 248 (33.7) 150 037 (33.1) 0.01
 6-10 52 313 (24.1) 109 320 (24.1) 0.00
 11-15 36 623 (16.9) 77 413 (17.1) 0.01
 >15 55 121 (25.4) 116 871 (25.8) 0.01
Assigned primary care provider 207 160 (95.3) 433 365 (95.5) 0.01
Emergency room visits in past 6 months¶:
 0 90 716 (41.7) 189 618 (41.8) 0.00
 1 64 674 (29.8) 132 115 (29.1) 0.01
 ≥2 61 915 (28.5) 131 908 (29.1) 0.01
≥1 urgent hospital admissions in past year 57 177 (26.3) 121 453 (26.8) 0.01
≥1 elective hospital admission in past year 18 292 (8.4) 38 576 (8.5) 0.00
≥1 home care visits in past 6 months 16 078 (7.4) 34 211 (7.5) 0.01
Hospital type:
 Teaching 54 481 (25.1) 114 760 (25.3) 0.01
 Community 144 601 (66.5) 299 320 (66.0) 0.01
 Small 8803 (4.1) 19 138 (4.2) 0.01
 Paediatric 6,220 (2.9) 13 016 (2.9) 0.00
 Rural location 32 016 (14.7) 68 815 (15.2) 0.01
 Missing 3200 (1.5) 7407 (1.6) 0.01
Diagnostic category for most responsible diagnosis**:
 Diseases of circulatory system 35 757 (16.5) 77 256 (17.0) 0.02
 Diseases of digestive system 33 963 (15.6) 71 608 (15.8) 0.00
 Diseases of respiratory system 33 696 (15.5) 56 085 (12.4) 0.09
 Symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified 21 041 (9.7) 46 743 (10.3) 0.02
 Injury, poisoning, and certain other consequences of external causes 22 049 (10.1) 44 670 (9.8) 0.01
 Diseases of genitourinary system 10 416 (4.8) 22 613 (5.0) 0.01
 Mental and behavioural disorders 8630 (4.0) 22 052 (4.9) 0.04
 Neoplasms 7032 (3.2) 15 981 (3.5) 0.02
 Pregnancy, childbirth, and the puerperium 6090 (2.8) 12 787 (2.8) 0.00
 Endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases 6753 (3.1) 13 905 (3.1) 0.00

Standardised difference of means.

Fiscal year from 1 April to 31March.

Grouped by life stage: children, adults, and older adults.


Missing observations n=1117 for holiday, n=2459 for control.

Categorised on basis of most common values.


Top 10 most common diagnostic categories (holiday and control groups combined).